United Democratic Alliance (UDA) party has assured its members and participants of tight security ahead of planned grassroots elections.

UDA through the National Elections Board (NEB) chairperson Anthony Mwaura assured it’s members that necessary security arrangements had been put in place ahead of the election set to begin on Friday.

According to Mwaura, at least two police officers will be deployed to man each polling centre.

“We have written to the Inspector General of police requesting him to provide us with security during the exercise and he has agreed to allocate two officers in each of the centers,” Mwaura said.

Mwaura made the remarks while at the JKIA where he was receiving a consignment of 5,000 tablets which will be used during the election set to be conducted on Friday in Nairobi, Narok, Homabay, Busia and West Pokot.

The exercise which is being conducted electronically for the first time will be done in phases with Friday’s elections being the first phase.

Others present at JKIA include Executive Director Nicodemus Bore, party treasurer Japheth Nyakundi among NEB members and select party directors.

Elections in Isiolo and Garissa which were also to be held on Friday have been rescheduled as per the requests by aspirants in the region.

Cleophas Malala also present at JKIA reassured party members that comprehensive measures have been implemented to ensure a transparent and fair process for all participants.

“I am glad to report that we have a competent NEB which has put everything in terms of logistics and legal requirements in place by applying to the office of registrar of political parties,” he stated.

Malala at the same time mentioned plans to import more devices for each of polling stations ahead of the exercise.

“We have procured one tablet per polling station, so we are looking at having 27,000 tablets for the whole exercise,” he noted.

The second phase of the grassroots polls will be held on June 22, 2024 in 13 counties namely, Mombasa, Uasin Gishu, Nyandarua, Tharaka Nithi, Machakos, Kisii, Bungoma, Siaya, Taita Taveta, Wajir, Tana River, Kwale and Marsabit.

The third phase will be held on August 10 across 15 counties of Kiambu, Embu, Kericho, Meru, Migori, Kakamega, Nyamira, Kitui, Elgeyo Marakwet, Samburu, Kajiado, Mandera, Kilifi, Murang’a and Lamu.

The last phase will take place on August 24, 2024 in 12 counties.

The counties to participate are Nakuru, Bomet, Nyeri, Kirinyaga, Nandi, Baringo, Turkana, Laikipia, Trans-Nzoia, Kisumu, Vihiga and Makueni.

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