Mungai Eve

Digital Creator Mungai Eve has hinted that she is in a new relationship months after partying ways with her ex-boyfriend and partner Director Trevor.

Eve dropped the hint during an engagement with fans in the comments section after sharing her awesome photos on Instagram.

“You are the artist of your life, don’t give the paint brush to anyone else,” her wise words accompanied the beautiful snaps, with Kate Actress questioning her if she was seeing someone.

“Weeh uko na mtu?” she wrote.

Responding to her, Mungai Eve said, “babe,” accompanied with a weary face emoji.

However,in the next comment, she said that she was not single.

“Babygal, you single?” another Instagram user posed and Eve said, “I am not single.”

Director Trevor announced that he was no longer associating with Eve on February 19, 2024, taking sole ownership of the social media accounts they shared previously. The former couple has however refused to shed light on what led to their separation, considering that they served couple goals, attracting compliments and criticisms at all times.

Eve has since moved moved and opened new accounts that attracted huge following within a short period of time.

Towards the end of last month, while in Dubai, the 23-year old spoke about her break up with Trevor saying that she harbours no hard feelings for him.

“Everything happens for a reason. I thank God I am each and everyday I am a very grateful person. Where I am right now I am really grateful, not to say that where I was I wasn’t grateful just to say some things just happen in life for the better. I wouldn’t want to dwell so much on that because it is on the past but I can say I am a happy girl,” Eve said.

Asked on whether she was dating Eve said, “Currently, I am in the best place, when the right time comes and I feel like I can share that part of me with the online family I am gonna share it.”

Related: Ama we ndio Adama? Reactions As Trevor Introduces Mungai Eve Replacement


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