Lang’ata Police officers are investigating a shooting incident that occurred inside the home of an officer attached to the presidential escort unit.

The incident unfolded after a scuffle ensued between the officer and his 29 year old wife upon returning to their home after a day out for Easter celebrations along the Southern Bypass.

According to police, the altercation between the two escalated to the point where the wife threatened to take her life.

It is believed that the wife rushed to the bedroom and returned with a Jericho pistol which she cocked and pointed it against herself, threatening to end her life in front of their children.

One of the children, a student at Lang’ata Barracks, tried to pleaded with her mother to desist from attempting to causing herself harm calling for an  amicable resolution to the problem that was causing the scuffle.

The child, attempting to disarm her mother, approached her and tried to grab the pistol from her mother’s possession. This however did not go well as a round of ammunition was discharged causing grievous harm to both the child and the mother.

The bullet that was fired during the scuffle hit the mother on the upper side of the chest and exited from the back while the child sustained injuries on her right hand.

According to police, the pistol used in the shooting loaded with fourteen rounds of ammunition, one in the chamber and thirteen in the magazine, and one spent cartridge of 9mm were among the items recovered at the scene.

A bullet head was also recovered three meters away from the main door and all were recorded as exhibits.

Sub-County Police Commander (SCPC),  Sub-County Criminal Investigation Officer (SCCIO), Officer Commanding Station (OCS) and Officer Commanding Police Post (OCPP) were among those who visited the scene of crime  and documented the events.

They have also launched investigations to determine the cause of the of the altercation leading to the incident.


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