
Bishop Paul Ngarama, the father of slain businesswoman Monica Kimani, has broken silence for the first time after Jowie Irungu was sentenced to death for Monica’s murder.

Irungu was sentenced by Lady Justice Grace Nioka after being found guilty of the gruesome murder that occurred in September 2018.

The man of God shared he had forgiven Jowie for killing his, leaving him with two sons. He added that he has been on a healing journey that taught him about forgiveness.

“I was in pain and could not do anything like revenge. I started the ministry of forgiveness, and it has helped me. I had asked God many questions during that period, and he reminded me His son Jesus Christ was also killed, but He forgave. When I started releasing people from my heart, I started healing,” he in an interview with Kenya Diaspora USA.

Ngarama highlighted that he authored a book centered on forgiveness, delving into the intricate aspects of his daughter’s death and his subsequent journey of healing.

The counsellor said he would be open to visiting Jowie in prison and preaching hope.

“If he knows he needs my forgiveness, I will forgive him. I can visit him in prison and call him my son. I will tell him, ‘Let’s forget the past and focus on the future. I know things happen, but God has a purpose for all of us.’ I would even ask Jackie Maribe’s family to join me and let us move on,” he said.

Following his sentencing, Jowie’s  family vowed to appeals the court’s decision, insisting that he is innocent and can not be a murderer.

His lawyers have argued that Justice Nzioka relied on circumstantial evidence regarding the clothes that Jowie wore on the day Monica was killed.



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