Tanzania bongo star Ali Kiba has broken silence on the divorce standstill being witnessed between him and his wife Amina Khalef.

Speaking to the press after landing in the country, the artist  explained how he handles his stress adding that signing the divorce paper is not a problem and he is able to solve the matter,” he said.

He however declined to go deeper into the matter

“Unatakiwa kutreat stress handling stress katika hali ya kusema kwamba if you can not solve it then leave it, let it go and if you have a solution to solve it then you have to relax because you have a solution, hivyo ndivyo nahandle vitu vyangu even that paper, that’s not a problem, umenielewa, I can solve it. I can not explain more,” Ali Kiba said.

Amina recently revealed that Ali Kiba refused to sign divorce papers through Insta stories. The mother of two begged ghim to sign the poapers so that they can each live their lives freely.

“Nimeondoka kwenye maisha ako kuepuka maumivu, abuse na mengi lakini mpaka leo hutaki kunipaitia divorce huku wewe ukiwa huru kufanya mambo yako na mimi ukinifunga katika kivuli cha mke wa mtu,(in the name of kulinda brand as you said) kindly sign the papers nipate divorce yangu kila mmoja aendelee kwa uhuru, asante,” Amina said.

The Cinderella hitmaker is celebrating 20 years of his music career and will be performing in Naivasha during the weekend.



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