
Former Governor of Nairobi, Mike Mbuvi Sonko has shared his thoughts on the ongoing heated debate about Muguka, which is believed to be among the leading cause of impotence among men.

In his sentiments, the former governor opposed the ban of the stimuli, instead, advising an alternative way of consuming it.

“Instead of banning Muguka without offering a substitute, why not use it together with mukombero as an ingredient zipelekane pamoja?” Sonko shared on X

Sonko recounted his past misfortunes with previous administrations saying that the torture he passed through almost cost him his male reproductive organ.

“The officers who arrested me walitumia mpaka pakari kunifinya huko chini which nearly rendered my machine inoperable. However, thanks to mukombero, I managed to revive it.,” the former Governor Nairobi revealed.

He praises ‘mukombero’ for rescuing him from the threat of becoming infertile. The root actually helped him to restore his functionality.

Sonko explained that, by combining the usage of the two crops will have economic benefits. It will be promoting the formers of Muguka and those of Mukombero from Western.

“This way, we can support our brothers and sisters from both Mt Kenya and Western regions with employment opportunities, and since mukombero is cheap, it will also help other men jumo-start their machines back to action.” He advised.

Sonko affirmed that the use of ‘mukombero’ works out. He recommended it to the Governors of Coast region to try it out saying that it strengthens men sexuality.

He confirmed using mukombero it all his problems were sorted, adding that he’s strong now and his wife cannot complain anymore.


Also Read: Brian Mwenda Opposes Muguka Ban In Mombasa





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