
Nairobi governor Johnson Sakaja prays for Nairobians while visiting flood affected victims in Eastlands Nairobi yesterday.

Sakaja was in the area to distribute food,mattresses and blankets to the ones affected by the floods as the ongoing rains continue.

While making the prayer, the Nairobi governor prayed for God’s provision , safety and strength to be able to endure the impacts of the raging floods.

“Tunakushukuru kwa maisha, Tunakushukuru sababu unatupenda. Watu wetu wanaumia, kuna watu mafuriko imewaadhiri vibaya sana. Lord we pray utaprovide for hawa watu wetu, utawapea safety na matumaini.” Sakaja prayed.

He also prayed for unity among the leaders to be able to come together and help in the flood mitigation action. Sakaja asked for the rains to reduce and rain in the rural areas where farming is practiced.

“Utusaidie sisi kama viongozi tubaki pamoja ile tuwasaidie sababu hawa ni watoto wako.”

“Tunaomba pia mambo ya mvua ipungue kidogo tu, wacha inyeshe kule mashambani ambako wanapanda mahindi, mchele Nairobi is a concrete city wacha ipungue hapa Nairobi.” Sakaja says.

This heartfelt prayer by the governor comes even as the city continues to count losses as the heavy rains resulting to raging floods continue.


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Elsewhere, Seven people including a pregnant mother trapped in Kabaa Island in Mwala, Machakos County are set to be airlifted to safety today.

The seven who are residents of the 48-acre -Kabaa island got trapped after Athi River burst it’s banks following the ongoing heavy rains.

According to sources, multiple boat rescue attempts have been employed but deemed unsuccessful.

Machakos Deputy Governor Francis Mwangangi and the area security team earlier today went to the river banks to assess the situation as they awaited for the specialized rescue team from Nairobi.

“A boat rescue has been impossible. We are anticipating an airlift or specialized KDF team that will be assessing the ground today. We are hopeful for a breakthrough today,” Mwala deputy county commissioner David Tegutwa said.

Also read; Raila Faults Government For Unpreparedness To Tackle Floods Crisis



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