In a perplexing turn of events, the body of Duke Nyabaro, a 35-year-old teacher and blogger, was discovered hanging outside a kiosk in Getembe Estate, Kisii Town. The incident has sparked speculation and raised questions about the circumstances surrounding his death.

According to reports from locals, Nyabaro’s body was found dangling from a belt at the front of the kiosk on Sunday morning, April 7. His family revealed that he had failed to return home on Saturday night after a gathering at an entertainment joint in Kisii Town.

Contrary to initial assumptions of suicide, both police and residents have dismissed this notion, citing the weak structure of the kiosk as incapable of supporting Nyabaro’s body weight. Furthermore, witnesses observed that his feet were touching the ground, casting doubt on the suicide theory.

“There is a possibility Nyabaro was killed elsewhere and the body ferried to the scene to stage a suicide,” suggested his relatives, who also denied any knowledge of disputes or conflicts involving Nyabaro.

Nyabaro, a teacher at Chacha Moronge High School, was an active presence on social media, with his last activity on Facebook merely 10 hours before his body was discovered. This detail has left investigators puzzled, as it seems incongruous with the notion of suicide.

Kisii County Commander Charles Kases assured the public that investigations are ongoing to ascertain whether Nyabaro’s death was the result of foul play or self-inflicted. “Nyaribo’s body was found. We have launched investigations into the matter. A postmortem will help us determine if he was murdered or not,” stated Kases.

The motive behind Nyabaro’s death remains unknown, adding to the intrigue of the case. Hailing from Suneka, Nyabaro’s demise adds to a string of similar incidents in the area, including the recent discovery of a retired teacher’s body hanging from a tree.

Authorities are grappling with the surge in such incidents, with calls for peaceful conflict resolution echoing amidst the community. Despite ongoing investigations, no arrests have been made in connection with Nyabaro’s death.

As the community awaits answers, the mystery surrounding Duke Nyabaro’s death deepens, leaving many questions unanswered and speculation rife.

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