
Comedian Mulamwah has weighed in on the heated discussion about  15% tax that the government proposed on content creators

Mulamwah said that the taxation is too high but the government will not make enough money because very few content creators are paid well in the country.

“Nimetaka pia mi niongelee hii mambo ya 15% kwa content creators. Nataka niongee na rais kwasababu ananifollow kwa Facebook, mimi ndio msanii pekee mwenye rais anafollow so I believe hii message itamfikia.15% kwa content creators ni nyingi sana plus content creators wasanii hatufiki hata 100 so hata ukitax sioni hata kama kuna difference ambayo italeta. Kwa hao 100 wenye tunalipwa vizuri hatufiki hata 20,” he said.

The Milele FM presenter added that the government should instead help content creators monetize their content. The move will also see the government reap big.

“Mi ningependa serikali badala ya kufikiria kututax, wafikirie vile tutaongeza avenues watusaidie kumonetize Facebook, Instagram, TikTok tunapata millions of views for free. Tusaidie pale YouTube  CPM yetu ipande ndio wakati unatax uko na mahali pazuri pa kukata nyama,” he said.

Mulamwaha further suggested that the prices of cameras and other production materials should be reduced so that content creators can easily access them.

He urged the government to allow them shoot their videos anywhere freely safe for restricted areas.

Mulamwah also noted that the taxation will see several people that have been employed by content creators lose jobs.

“Hata nyi hapo kwa statehouse  mko na YouTube channel mtuambie huwa mnaingiza ngapi kwasababu ni ngumu sana kupata doh yoyote kwasababu unatax creators na space yenye wamejitengenezea  hakuna kazi hatuna doh. Personally mi nimeandika watu more than 15, wenye wanashoot  content wenye wanedit, ukianza kutax itabidi wengine wametolewa kwa orodha na haitakuwa fiti sijui kama tukiwatoa watapata kazi huku nje,” he said.

At the same time, he denied flaunting real money online, saying that those are just copies of cash.

“Hizi mambo mnaona Mulamwah na mapesa, mingi ni photocopy, kama mimi personally nilikuwa nimephotocopy hio doh, haikuwa doh, doh hapo ni kama tu thao mbili, hizo zingine zote zilikuwa photocopy. Hata nyumba niko nayo ni screenshot, hakuna doh, ukiona msanii na doh we jua ametoa kwingine its not about content creation.

He also urged  the government to engage content creators in a conversation so that they can come to a consensus.


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