One has been brutally killed  as one sustains serious injuries in Kamondo village in Molo, Nakuru County after an altercation ensued over a lottery game on Sunday.

This is after a fight ensued after a disagreement over a lottery game happened. This incident saw one man 22 year old die on the spot after his neck was slashed off while the other victim a 24 year old sustain serious injuries and currently recuperating at the Elburgon Hospital.

Kamondo village elders Vincent Ngetich, Geoffrey Bett and Robert Biwott, condemned the act by the suspect who is still at large.

They attributed the increase of  gambling sport within youths to over indulgence in alcohol and drugs asking the government to intervene.

Kapsita locational chief Alex Gichane confirming the incident, said that an investigation had been launched to establish the root cause of the altercation that led to the heinous crime.

He said that police officers had been deployed to the scene to carry out investigations even as elders in the community ask for a closure of all lottery game spots.

He said he would provide more information into the matter in due time after thorough investigations have been carried out.

This even as shock and grief engulfs residents of Majengo in Kericho after 24 year old Collins Kipkorir died by suicide after losing Ksh. 120,000 through aviator gambling on Monday morning.

It is reported that Kipkorir used money from an M-pesa shop where he was employed to try his luck in the game only for him to lose.

Aaron Kosgey, the deceased nephew said Kipkorir asked his friend to look after the shop as he went to run some errands in the town and would be back soon.

“We tried severally to contact him but he was not answering the calls,” said Kosgey.

According to the police report, no suicide note was found at the scene.

The body was moved to Siloam Hospital Mortuary awaiting post-mortem exam.





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