
Two brothers killed themselves in Kapsilibwa village in Sagamian, Narok County on Friday after their father reconciled and allocated a parcel of land to his first wife after years of separation.

The two, Vincent Kipkorir Koech (19) and Gilbert Kibet Koech (17), sons of David Towett, hanged themselves on a tree along the Amalo River.

According to police Deputy County Commissioner Felix Kisalu the two, Vincent and Gilbert entered in a pact to kill themselves and even threatened to kill their family as well.

“The reason for agreeing to commit suicide was that their father had two wives and that the elder one who had been divorced many years ago returned home and the father decided to give her a piece of land. This intended action was disputed by the two deceased brothers who even threatened to kill the whole step family and their father,” a police report documenting the incident reads.

According to police, the brothers were known to the community and police for notorious criminal activities in their area.

“The two had previous criminal records where they even stole in two churches in the area among other things.”

The report indicated that the two disagreed with the father’s decision to give the land to the wife who had returned.

Police have since processed the crime scene along the Amalo River while the bodies of the two brothers have been moved to Longisa County Referral Hospital Mortuary pending postmortem.








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