
Pastor Victor Kanyari, a key figure in the religious sector with his popular phrase “Tuma mbegu ya 310” has attributed the high number of single mothers in Kenya to men from the Kikuyu community, citing that  they lack of responsibility.

Pastor Kanyari, made these remarks in a recent video on social media. This has since led to a heated debate across social media. According to Pastor Kanyari, the majority of single mothers in Kenya are from the Kikuyu tribe, specifically pointing out regions such as Nyeri, Kiambu, Murang’a, and Karatina.

“Unajua masingle mothers wengi niwakikuyu, sijui Kwa nini. Ukienda kwa wajaluo hakuna masingle mothers wengi,”he stated this and asked the people to comment if what he said is true or not.

He argued that Kikuyu men often neglect their parental responsibilities, prioritizing their appearance and leisure over family obligations.They only want to dress well and sleep, leaving their women to fend for themselves and their children.

“Wanaume wakikuyu hawataki responsibility, hawataki kufanya kazi na mikono yao. Wanataka kushinda wameng’ara kazi ni kulala.”

Kanyari comments have drawn mixed reactions, with some agreeing with his observations while others condemn his remarks as baseless and inflammatory.

However, such generalizations may lead to harmful stereotypes and fail to address the broader socio-economic issues contributing to single parenthood in Kenya.

Further more, pastor Kanyari views have triggered calls for a deeper investigation into the social dynamics affecting family structures within various communities. To point out the phenomenon of single motherhood is multifaceted.

It involves factors such as economic pressures, cultural changes, and the ever changing gender roles, which cannot be only attributed to one ethnic group.

There is also the need for stronger moral values and responsibility among men to ensure stable family units.

As the debate continues, there’s need for a more informed discussion on the challenges facing single mothers in Kenya, advocating for policies and support systems that address the root causes of single parenthood rather than placing blame on specific communities.

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