
Controversial Preacher Victor Kanyari has admitted that he has been romantically involved with 7 women in the past.

Kanyari,  who has in recent weeks hit the internet by storm due  to his presence on TikTok, however wondered why he only managed to get one of them pregnant.

“Seven lakini sikuzaa na wao mi sijui kwa nini sikuzaa nilizaa na mmoja tu,” he said .

He was also skeptical in revealing  the identity of the woman he got kids with saying that she has another partner.

“I don’t want to keep mentioning her name on TikTok because she is married and her husband might begin wondering,” he said.

The controversial pastor went on to reveal that he bought all his exes exes cars. For the last one, he bought her a house that he wanted to destroy after they parted ways.

“I bought all of them cars. The last one I bought her a house in Greenspan worth Kshs15 million. Nikamnunulia na nikamwacha na hio nyumba. Wakati ambao tuliachana nilikuwa nataka kubomoa hiyo nyumba I wanted to go at night nitoboe toboe hiyo nyumba,” he said.

Kanyari backed down from the plan to avoid a scandal.

“Lakini nikafikiria itaniletea makesi zingine hapa nyinyi mnatakanga nitrend,” he said.

Kanyari also bragged that most of his ex girlfriends are now living overseas, in  America and Switzerland, only two are currently in Kenya.

The video has raised mixed reaction netizens speculating that the preacher is chasing clout to grow his following on his tiktok page doubting if he is really a preacher or an entertainer .

This also comes barely a week after he revealed  that he is   paying Kshs350,000 for his son’s school fees.

Also Read: Kanyari Envisions His First Encounter With A Woman After Years Of Dry Spell


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