
John Matara has been charged with rape and robbery with violence before the Ruiru Law Courts.

John recently accused of killing socialite Starlet Wahu earlier this year has been presently accused of committing the offences on May 16, 2023.

According to the charge sheet presented before Magistrate Charles Mwaniki, he is believed to have on the day while armed with a kitchen knife robbed Nekesa Wangila Sh88,300 at Kahawa Wendani.

The incident resulted into the taking of Sh18,300 from her M-pesa, Sh30,000 cash, a phone valued at Sh25,000 and another worth Sh15,000 totalling to 88,300.

He is also accused of taking her ID, international passport and family bank ATM card.

“Immediately before such robbery used actual violence to the said Winsella Nekesa Wangila,” the charge sheet reads.

Matara who is also accused of rape and sexual assault denied all charges, maintaining his innocence of the alleged offences.

“John Matara Ong’oa on May 16, 2023, at Kahawa Wendani, Ruiru subcounty in Kiambu County unlawfully manipulated the legs of Winsella Nekesa Wangila to cause penetration,” the count of sexual assault reads.

While appealing for his bail, His lawyer Samuel Ayora urged the court to release him on reasonable bond terms with an option of a surety saying that his client is not a flight risk.

Ayora said that his client was not a flight risk adding that he feared for his client’s safety claiming that his client had been assaulted by DCI officers during his transportation to the court house.

“He suffered blows to his left ear and his testicles were pulled,” the counsel said.

However the prosecution rejected the bond request saying that upon his release the accused might interfere with witnesses noting that the accused has a similar case before another court pending investigations.

“Further, in the circumstances of the case, the acts the accused person allegedly committed, if he is granted bond terms, he will not only jump bail but the case will be interfered with,” she said.

Magistrate Mwaniki upon determination said that Matara be escorted to Ruiru police station to make a report on the alleged assault by police.

“On the alleged assault, the accused is to be escorted to Ruiru police station where he shall make a report and an investigation is to done which upon conclusion those culpable will be indicted,” he said.

He also ordered that Matara be taken to the hospital for treatment and a DNA test.

Whether Matara will be released on bond will be mentioned on Friday, March 8, 2024.


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