Mc Jessy

Kenyans, especially women are obsessing over Okra Water because of its supposed sexual health benefits creating a new demand on the vegetable in the market.

If you are on TikTok then you’ve probably stumbled upon the trend of women using Okra water.

The process of making it involves soaking okra pods in water overnight allowing the slimy substance to infuse and then drunk throughout the day for the  purported health benefits.

The advocates of the said water claim that it helps with weight management, improving digestion and promoting skin health.

But most women do not use it because of its other several benefits however they mainly use it because of the reason that it promotes natural vaginal lubrication.

Debunking the Okra Water Myth: Comedian Mc Jessy’s Take

In a recent interview, comedian Mc Jessy shared his thoughts on the rising trend of women using Okra water, dismissing it as a scam and urging caution against its usage. He emphasized that women who resort to Okra water should be seen as red flags and not trusted.

“Hii Okra water is a scam, it’s a hoax, na kama mrembo wako anatumia Okra water ama ukutane na dem anasmell Okra water, redflag,” Mc Jessy boldly stated.


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He questioned the necessity for women to turn to the water water, suggesting that its use may imply dissatisfaction with their partners’ abilities. Mc Jessy expressed that if Okra water were to be used, it should be reserved for primary partners rather than side relationships.

Mc Jessy further speculated on the motives behind the controversial water trend, suggesting it may be a ploy by Okra farmers to boost sales.

“Kuna mkikuyu flani mahali ameharvest mahali Okra akakosa market akaamua aanzishe hii story,” the comedian quipped.

However, Mc Jessy warned against falling for the famous water narrative, asserting that it’s merely a tactic to capitalize on unsuspecting consumers.

He advised women against consuming Okra water, labeling it as a red flag indicative of underlying desires or dissatisfaction.

“Wewe usidanganywe ukunywe na ukikunywa wewe ni red flag. Kwa sababu tunajua kuna kitu unatafuta yenye wedwe hauna,” he cautioned.

When pressed about the intended purpose of Okra water for women, Mc Jessy suggested it’s sought after for its lubricating properties rather than for hydration.

“Wanatafuta unyevunyevu si kusweat,” he concluded.

In conclusion, Mc Jessy’s insights shed light on the skepticism surrounding the Okra water trend, urging individuals to approach it with caution and critical thinking.

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