
Popular musician Bahati pledged to build a new, modern classroom for St. Martin’s School, owned by comedian Chipukeezy, during a fundraising event held in Tala.

The events main aim was raising funds for the improvement of educational facilities at St. Martin’s school .It was attended by many supporters and well-wishers. Among them was Bahati, whose generous commitment became the highlight of the evening.

The musician, who rose to fame in 2014 with his hit song “Mama,” and cemented his spot with other songs such as Adhiambo. expressed his dedication to giving back to the community and supporting education.

“Ntatengeneza class Moja ntamake sure imeisha.” Bahati stated during his address.

He also confessed that he was present during the opening of the school. By his wish of building a modern classroom that will enhance their learning environment in deed shows how dedicated Bahati is in contributing to the future of young students.

Vincent Mwasia Mutua,  also know as Chipukeezy who is the owner of the school, gained the widespread popularity through his performances on the Churchill Show, a platform that has mentored and moulded the careers of many Kenyan comedians producing one of the most finest comedians such as Eric Omondi.

Chipukeezy has since ventured into various activities, with St. Martin’s School being one of his significant projects aimed at improving access to quality education for children.

Bahati’s pledge was appreciated with claps of applause and gratitude from attendees emphasizing the collective effort to uplift the school, its students and its education development.

The new classroom is expected to be a gesture of hope and a symbol of commitment to nurturing the next generation of leaders, teachers, doctors and other professions.

Bahati through his promise to build modern classroom shows his willingness to mark significant step towards improving educational infrastructure and providing better opportunities for students at St. Martin’s School.

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