
Anerlisa Muigai, the daughter of Keroche owner Tabitha Karanja, has been taught a painful lesson about  trusting those claiming to be her friends.

This is after one of them leaked a private WhatsApp group chat, where Anerlisa was raising funds to bail out her fiance, who was arrested in the ongoing fertilizer saga.

In the leaked chat, Anerlisa revealed that they needed Kshs3 million to secure her fiance’s  freedom. The Nero Water CEO urged her friends to contribute whatever they have, promising that they would get a refund, once her fiance’s accounts are unfrozen.

She also revealed that they had so far raised Kshs1.8 million.

“Hae ladies, Trust you have all been fine. As some of you know my fiance was targeted by his competitors  on this whole fertiliser saga to try and finish his business. He has been locked in today because  they had told him cash bail would be Kshs1 million, but they changed and they said it is 3 million. Thanks to some of his friends for raising Kshs1.8 million,” she said.

She further added, “I was humbly requesting  if you could chip in whatever you can get. You can send it to any of my numbers. All will be refunded once his accounts are unfrozen. This is not gossip, I genuinely need your help and nobody knows.”

The chats were leaked to blogger Edgar Obare.

Following the betrayal, Anerlisa took to her Instagram to lament.

“Everybody isn’t your friend. Just because they hang around you and laugh with you doesn’t mean they are your friend. People pretend  well. At the end of the day real situations  expose fake people, so pay attention,” she said.

In a separate post, she wrote, ” When you thought you had real friends then boom, a blogger sends you a screenshot from a ery ewnclosed group. Tomorrow could be you. At least I know I can not count on everyone and that’s okay. And yes we have managed to get out without your help, we good. God first.”

Also Read:Anerlisa Muigai Comes Out Guns Blazing To Defend Her Mum Against Omanga’s Criticism



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