
Director Trevor has said that he decided to take control of the social media accounts that he jointly shared with his ex-girlfriend Mungai Eve, because he knew that she wasn’t so much interested about online media.

According to him, he couldn’t leave the accounts unattended because they had employees who depended on them for survival.

“The reason I took over YouTube, there 8 employees behind it  who need to be paid every month so I couldn’t just leave it and maybe Eve had no dream of proceeding with media, because I knew Eve had no dream in media  and she also had no online media. She just wanted to focus on business and Instagram, so I would just abandon without caring about the employees,” Trevor explained

He also said that he decided to change the name, because it was someone else’s identity, being the new sole owner of the accounts(Facebook and YouTube), and he further delved into why the name was yet to be changed on Facebook.

“I didn’t rush to register the name . I see people telling me to remove the name(on Facebook). It takes time, there are people whose phones already show the name change but there are others that don’t.  For Facebook, we had so many numbers . It is not a company that you will just wake up and change the name , they are very strict. I have changed but they told me it is still under review. So it will remain like that until when they will feel like changing. Facebook can’t approve the name change immediately, because it might be a case of hacking or maybe the name was changed accidentally,” the Kenya Online Media boss said.

He added that he didn’t have enough time to rebrand the online media channels as Eve issued him with a demand letter.

“I only changed the name, I didn’t have time to rebrand. I was issued with a demand letter and told that I have 24 hours to change the name Mungai Eve from all my platforms . I didn’t have time to plan how I wanted but now is when I have started planning and rebranding,” Trevor said.

Asked on whether he wasn’t served another demand letter after the delay of the name change on Facebook he said,  “A lawyer who can do that is barbaric who has no job to do because it is beyond my capabilities , I changed Facebook told me to give them time to review, that is beyond me.”


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