
Comedians Oga Obinna and 2mbili were previously close friends and they used to work together.

Obinna was even on the forefront to help 2mbili when he was seriously assaulted by his baby mama in early 2023.

The former Kiss FM host even hosted 2mbili at his place as he sorted out his mess.

The bond they shared is however no longer in existence and they have since drifted apart, with Obinna claiming that 2mbili was ungrateful.

“2mbili turned against me after the struggle I went through with him,” Obinna revealed in May 19.

Sharing the clip of Obinna’s interview on his Instagram account, 2mbili  noted that Obinna  was now provoking him and that his remarks were affecting his brand.

“You and I really know what happened between us. I have never and can never talk about it. Lets not play this game of creating hate among our fans. Let peace prevail, I will consider you a brother and friend  despite our past disagreement,” he said and went ahead to invite Obinna for lunch to square their differences.

In a recent interview, 2mbili however said that they disagreed but he did not mention the exact cause of their fall out.

“We knew each other even before some of our fans were born. We disagreed that is the reality but we are friends. I slept at Obinna’s place kwa hiari yangu because maybe I had fatigue, I couldn’t drive to my place si ati nishawafungiwa nyumba nikakosa place ya kuenda nikalala kwa Obinna,” he said.

“I have never been ungrateful to Obinna, there are some little things he did to me, there are also some little things I did to him which I really appreciate,” the father of three further explained.

He also noted that they didn’t fall out because of women as rumours have it

“Our disagreement is far from what people are seeing. We disagreed business-wise. Na watu waache kusema ni wanawake wachoree hio kabisa coz me I don’t think I can feed from what Obinna is feeding, I have my own class he has his own,” 2mbili said.

Also Read:2mbili Speaks On His HIV Status After Willy Paul Exposed A Positive Comedian Targeting Innocent Women

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