
Stevo Simple Boy has vowed to continue fighting for Betty Kyallo until he wins her over.

The Kibra-born rapper said he wouldn’t heed any advise, that seeks to deter him from his mission of dating the former TV girl, although she has been grey ticking him.

Stevo begged Betty to find a place for him in her heart, admitting that he loves her so much.

“Kuhusu Betty kyalo nae hamuezi ni advise siwezi kufa moyo nita pigana mpaka nimpate mwanamme ni kupambana..lakini zile grey tiks ananipa🥹🥹🥹😞 Betty kyalo (Nîngwendete) pata nafasi kwa Roho Yako.. uniweke Ndani ❤️🎯 mtoto milk maziwa nayote itakuwa yangu Mimi soon,” he said.


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A section of netizens however believe that Stevo’s pursuit is aimed at gaining traction for a song he is about to release.

“Stevoo unapenda kiki😂😂 release io ngoma,” a fan told him as others said that his mission to even get Betty’s attention was a difficult task that would never come to pass.

The Vichuna singer first shot his shot to Betty 4 days ago, while blasting men who have broken her heart. In his post, he further promised to take good care of her.

“Lakini .. Wanaume mna hurt break Betty kyalo hua mnafikiriaje.. shida yenu Nini..ona mtoto milk maziwa, mtoto welo welo, mtoto fine thank you.. Betty kyalo Mimi Niko singoli na ukinipa fursa sitakuweka njaa kama pastor makenzi..nitakutunza kama Siri ya dunia na bingu..najua mambo itakuwa LOMBO LOMBO bila Sinza Sinza au sio?! Mwaaaaaaaaa ❤️🎈,” he said.


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