
YouTuber I am Marwa captured the moment when a boda boda thief grabbed his girlfriend’s hand bag.

The incident occurred on Sunday 14, 2024 as he was strolling with his partner around Nairobi.

The boda boda rider came from behind, grabbing the handbag and sped off as he went on his way. From the video, Marwa’s girlfriend  was devastated by the incident revealing some of the valuables that the hand bag had.

“No passwords are not there I have my camera just about to put myself on the other side. I have my my phone, my camera and wallet,” she said

Attempts to seek help from a passer by however did not bear any fruits.

The couple reported the incident to a police station.

Many have however suspected that the incident was not real arguing that it was planned to bring traction to the video. Those alleging this aren’t convinced that it was filmed by chance.

Marwa has come out to debunk the allegations saying that the incident occurred when he was filming his Vlogs.

“Thank you everyone who is trying to help us. Some people are asking how were able to record this incident, I was doing my Vlogging with my girlfriend @rocabreramusic and by chance this happened,” he said.

Also on his Insta stories, he said, “Guys we have the video  out. This video was from yesterday till today(Sunday) in the morning and I want you to see this unfortunate situation that we faced. Some other people on Instagram are saying this could be acted for content. Maybe you are new to my content creation, I am not that type of person. First I hate negativity number two I can never put myself or my girlfriend in a situation like this. I want to make that clear.”




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