
Tenants of a residential area in Thika witnessed a dramatic night after a Mubaba busted his woman with her boyfriend

The girl had supposedly invited her boyfriend to the house, which the sugar daddy was paying rent. The said young man who seemed to be in his early 20s  had allegedly gone for a sleepover at the girl’s place  when all hell broke lose .

The mubaba confronted the young man who seemed young enough to be his son. Agitated by the encounter, he manhandled the young man,  beating him mercilessly. The young man hoped the crowd that was already gathering would intervene and save him from the predicament.

“Nani analipa rent?” the angry mubaba ranted.

Several men who had responded to the chaos could be seen  trying to cool down the older man, who instead,  orders the  girlfriend to dress and move out of the house .

The video has since caused an uproar on social media, with many seeming to be taking the side of the older man, whereas  others shamed him for having such a young girl as his romantic partner, pointing out that he should be embarrassed.

“Nyumba haulipi rent usilale,” a netizen said.

Another wrote that, “Fear women, but that man is very useless how do you fight with a boy the age your son for a girl the age of your daughter.”


Money, being the major factor as to why young men and women of this generation are often involved romantically with older men and women. This points out how the society is rotten for normalizing such acts that have since ruined several marriages thus increasing divorce rates, as most of those involved are married.

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