
Isaiah, a Mzungu man recently went viral on TikTok, because of his Luhya accent. He is married to a Kenyan woman, and this year in October they will be clocking 7 years in marriage.

Originally from US, but he moved to Kenya with his family and they used to stay in Kiminini/ Kitale but he currently stay in MoisBridge, Matunda with his wife Judith and kids. The couple met each other through Judith’s brother, who was working with the white family in their ministerial works.

Isaiah however admits that life in the Kenya has not been easy, to an extended his family has also been bewitched.

“We have been  through a lot of things. Where we used to live in Kiminini, it is a place where there are witch doctors and night runners. Some are neighbours others are from far. We have been bewitched,  the normal wars, being called names and the odd things,” he said during an episode with Tuko Talks.

According to him, he once came into contact with witchcraft materials that had been stashed under their gate.

“When we moved here, my father wasn’t aware of witchcraft and black magic . Good thing he had faith and believed so much in God and in prayers. So when the more we stayed here the more we continued to get revelations and knowledge about how witchcraft crafts works and how people get into those things. There was a time I got the medicines. Something just pushed me to go to our second gate where I encountered them. They were inside a nylon paper. They included burnt leaves, reddish in colour, I don’t know if it had blood, am not sure of the combination, but the way it had been wrapped and pushed under our gate, it was visibly witchcraft,” he shared.

According to him, he touched the medicine without fear, noting that they would work if one is afraid. He added that he took the medicine to his father and they prayed and rebuked the witchcraft before burning it.

“Kuna vitu ilikuwa inafanyika kwa boma wakati huo. Watu watatu walikuwa wagonjwa hata mbwa yetu ilikuwa mgonjwa ilikuwa inakohoakohoa vibaya,” he narrated.

The peaceful nights were also disrupted buy noises on their roofs but after the prayers, and burning the medicine, things got back to normal. The sick dog also got well without any medication

“That truly proved that there was something,” he said.

Isaiah says that they were being targeted because  there are those who didn’t love them as well as the ministry work they were doing.

Also Read:Mzungu Man With Luhya Accent Charms Online Audiences With Fluent Kiswahili

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