
Former news anchor Jacque Maribe recently made waves on social media while celebrating the birthday of her longtime friend, Dennis Itumbi.

Amidst ongoing speculation about their relationship, Maribe took to Instagram to clarify, saying,”Happy birthday Dennis Itumbi. The 2 solid decades of friendship have been a testament of highs and lows, and love all the same. This new year around the sun, this group in this picture will help you find a wife, so everyone stop assuming it’s me.”

The duo, who have been spotted together frequently, found themselves at the center of dating rumours, particularly during the high-profile murder case involving businesswoman Monica Kimani. Throughout the trial, Itumbi stood by Maribe, publicly expressing his support and congratulating her upon being acquitted. In a heartfelt message, Itumbi declared, “Jacque Maribe is free. Maribe did not kill Monica. Damn, I feel so vindicated. Jacque Maribe, like a phoenix, now you have only one duty, rise from the ashes, for time may be lost but not the essence of your being.”

Their friendship was further highlighted when Itumbi took to Twitter to congratulate Maribe on her new role as head of communication at the Ministry of Public Service, following her acquittal.

“Congratulations, Jacque Maribe, may God bless you as you serve. Asante Hon. Moses Kuria for standing with a generation, please keep doing good and stretching your hand,” Itumbi tweeted.

However, despite their clear camaraderie and support for each other, social media users couldn’t resist speculating about the nature of their relationship. Some jokingly referred to Itumbi’s lengthy friendship with Maribe as “simping,” questioning why they hadn’t progressed beyond friendship after two decades.

Netizens took to various platforms to share their humorous takes on the situation. Comments like “Dust isn’t settling” and “I’m selling dust coat” circulated, highlighting the ongoing fascination with Maribe and Itumbi’s dynamic.

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