manzi wa kibera

Samuel Ndunda Nzioki, a 67-year old man, presumed to have been having a relationship with socialite Manzi wa Kibera passed away on Sunday morning after a short illness.

According to his grand daughter Josephine Kanini, the elderly man had kidney problems and chest problems.

“I was there on Saturday after receiving calIs that he was not feeling. He had issues with his chest and kidney. He had the kidney problem for long and had been under medication to control it.  He was supposed to go back to hospital on Monday. I waited for my uncle, (his son) until 8pm so that we could organize and take him to the hospital but he didn’t come.

“When I came in the morning, I found him lying.  The house he was living was leaking and everything was wet. I found his mouth open and was still but he was still warm. I called neighbours who confirmed that he was no more,” Kanini told a local media outlet

According to her, Ndunda’s chest issues haven’t even lasted a month.

“I was only informed when it was serious. I don’t know if he didn’t want to disclose it,” she said.

Manzi wa Kibera was informed about his passing while she was in Mombasa. The socialite has been at the Coast for the past one month as she is considering relocating.

Speaking in an interview with 2mbili, she said that she was indeed in a relationship with Nzioki, referring to herself as a widow.

“Mzae tumekuwa na yeye, hii wiki nilikuwa nimepata deal ya massage ilikuwa tumlete pia. Tulikuwa na mahusiano. Saa hizi mimi mi ni mjane,” Manzi wa Kibera said as she declined speaking about the memories she shared with the deceased.



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