
President William Ruto on phone spoke to the little girl seen on a viral video clip emotionally sobbing following the directive he  made about the re-opening of schools.

President Ruto on the call explained to the Tinsley Nduta, young girl in the video, why he made the directive stating that it was important for all children to attend school.

Ruto said that  he decides to reach out after he saw her video online and was completely taken aback seeing her cry over the directive.

” You must go school Tinsley, because the law in Kenya states that every child in Kenya must go to school and every parent must take their child to school. This is the only way we can impart knowledge, you can learn new things, you can learn subjects that can help you in the future,” he said.

Nduta during the call explained that the reason she was crying was because she was not prepared to go to school.

The head of state also promised her to pay a visit her after she goes back to school leaving the young girl completely exhilarated.

He also asked her to pass the information on the importance of education to her schoolmates.

This directive was received with mixed reactions by learners across the country who had gotten comfortable to the extended holiday that was caused by the raging floods crisis.


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Also read: Mukumu Girls’ Parents Protest Move To Re-Open The School





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