
Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua on Monday called out the coastal region leaders on their silence on the drug abuse menace in the region.

Speaking at the Illicit Alcohol And Drug Eradication Conference in Mombasa, Gachagua questioned why leaders from the coastal region have remained silent yet their youth stand affected by the addictive illegal substances.

“Why are leaders in the coast quiet as our young population is being killed and destroyed by drugs? There is a serious crisis at the coast, the leadership is quiet.” noted Gachagua.

The DP was also disappointed over the absence of some leaders in the forum questioning their commitment to curbing the drug gripping menace in their region.

“Tumepanga mkutano kuzungumzia mambo ya hapa kwao wengine hawajakuja. Why are some not here? This is a very important conference to discuss the very existence of our population. This is a conversation that every elected leader should be part of because it is a serious problem,” added Gachagua.

While applauding  other leaders especially those from the Rift Valley region for being vigilant in combating the menace, he accused the coastal leaders of laxity urging them to speak more on the issue as it is the only way the government will know how to address it.

“Unless the leaders are telling us there is no problem. It is very worrisome and we are concerned as a government. I want to be very candid and if you are afraid of those drug barons I don’t fear them. Why don’t you help us in oversight our security agencies and tell us where there is a gap,” Gachagua said.

He urged leaders to establish close-knit partnerships with security organs in the region to put an end to the problem.

The deputy president has been advocating for the total eradication of illicit brews in the nation which he says has been eroding the gains the nation has made towards it’s prosperity.

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