
Police in Bungoma have launched an investigation into the attack of politician and 2027 gubernatorial aspirant Zacharia Barasa’s home on Sunday night.

Condemning the incident, Martin Nyongesa, Barasa’s brother alleged that the unknown assailants rented the air with gunshots and then torched his gate.

Speaking to the press, Martin said that the incident had not only caused damage to the property but had also shocked the community igniting the conversation about the safety of the residents who dared question the state of things in the area.

“As we speak, Bungoma has no leader to protect the interests of the common mwananchi. It is my brother Zacharia who is fighting for the interests of the people and such incidents intent to undermine him but we won’t stop criticising the county government,” Nyongesa said.

Nyongesa said that those who attacked his brother’s home are known individuals who he says are trying acts of intimidation against a man whose only crime was advocating for the rights and interests of his people urging the police to take action against them.

“The people who attacked Barasa’s residence and torched his gate are those who are scared of his political moves, if they want to face us let them come in the broad daytime not at night,” Nyongesa stated.

However, Nyongesa alleges that despite making reports to the Bungoma police station, the police have not yet visited the scene to assess the situation.

“When the incident was happening we tried reaching out to the police but they didn’t respond on time,” he said.

However, in a quick response, the police said they had launched a probe into the matter.

The goons during the Sunday night attack burnt tyres at the entrance while firing gunshots in the air.


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