
Neno Evangelist Founder Pastor Ng’ang’a has hit back at foreign prophets who make prophesies about Kenya telling them to prophesy about their countries.

The outraged pastor Ng’ang’a said the foreign prophets make false prophesies and that Kenyans should not listen to them.

He blamed Kenyans for trusting foreign preachers more and not supporting local preachers.

“Kenyans it’s like you have been bewitched. You don’t appreciate your own pastors. When you see the foreigners, you shake. When Benny Hinn came you trembled and fell. I also went abroad and made the whites to fall,” he shared.

Pastor Ng’ang’a criticized the invasion of foreign religious figures in the country during a sermon in his church.

“Kenya has been invaded by every country, Nigerians, Ghanaians and Ugandans. Everybody is coming to Kenya. Can you compare the value of your currency with ours? Stop nonsense.”

The televangelist condemned the Nigerians and Ghanaians preachers for focusing most on Kenya. Making false prophesies about Kenya and the president of Kenya.

The man of God questioned the authority of the foreign seers to foresee about Kenya when he, himself is the commander.

“You come here and prophecy about our president. Stop that nonsense. Is he your president? Go and make prophecies about your president. Conmen! Prophecy to your president. You claim God has shown you Kenya… You’ve been shown your mother! Don’t bring nonsense to Kenya. I am the commander,” he said.

This comes after Israel-American televangelist admitted that he “was not too wise” in his decisions that led to misleading of his followers.

In an interview with The Strang Report, he admitted making a mistake by allowing false prophets to his gatherings who destroy his reputation.

“We all make mistakes. The two things I regret most in ministry are that I was not too wise a number of times with prophecy. I had guests come to crusades who I think brought harm to not only people’s lives but also my reputation because their prophecies were not really prophecies,” Hinn regretted.

This disclosure has sparked a crucial debate among the Christians about the extent to which believers should trust their spiritual leader.

Also Read: Kenyans On X Blame Benny Hinn For The Recent Series Of Tragic Accidents


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