
Residents of Kinangop in Nyandarua County are counting losses, after a hailstorm left a trail of destruction, rendering them homeless and their property destroyed.

Crops including maize, potatoes, peas, cabbages, were destroyed; corrugated iron sheet roofs of several homes and fruit trees not being spared either.

The rains came as a surprise, as it had been sunny for the better parts of the day. The hailstorm started at around 5.30pm and lasted for about half an hour leaving behind more destruction,” Karima Nguyo, a resident said.

He added that several residents have been left homeless due to the hailstones that were accompanied by a heavy downpour. And that electricity in the two areas  also went out, after trees fell on the  electricity poles leaving them in a black out.

”Some families slept in the cold because their homes were submerged by the hailstorm. Some people cannot go home because small bridges in the area have been swept away by the floods,” he voiced.

The residents of the area have now called out for emergency intervention from the county and national government.

Monica Wakira has highlighted that digging water trenches remains a great emergency and called out the Kenya National Highways Authority to make proper drainage along the Ol-Kalou-Njabin road, to ensure that water runs through the drainage tunnels.

Residents of Kinangop are appealing for help from well-wishers and the county  government of Nyandarua to provide them with  foodstuffs ,mattresses and blankets to protect them from the cold.

The Kenya metrological department issued an advisory on the imminent occurrence of intense rainfall across various regions of the country over the next seven days.

”Isolated storm conditions are expected in the highlands east of rift valley, south rift valley and the eastern lowlands,” the department reported.

The rains have caused a massive destruction across the country leaving  Kenyans homeless and counting huge losses of property.

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