
Eric Omondi announced that he was raising funds to aid the construction of a dangerous bridge in Kisii on Thursday.

This is after a video of a school girl crossing the risky bridge on her on went viral on social media.

With the help of the online community, the comedian was able to reach another bridge, believing that it was the one the school girl was crossing.

In his good will, he thought of relocating the minor, and her family to Nairobi, but changed mind and called for contributions because the bridge was being used by many people.

“The Heartrenching video of the young girl Courageously crossing the Bridge of death is from Nyakumbati Village in Kisii County. The Girl is called Shirleen and the Father is called Fred Ogata Mogire. The Community has so far tried to Reinforce the Bridge but it’s not good enough. The wood is Rotten, Shaky and UNSAFE. It’s just a matter of time before it collapses into TRAGEDY. WE ARE GOING TO BUILD THIS BRIDGE TODAY!!! Start Sending whatever you can to Shirleen’s Father,” he shared on his Instagram account.


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It however turns out that Shirleen’s community misled Eric, and the real school girl and her community have since surfaced.

The girl in the viral video is called Anne, and her father is pleading with Eric to also help in constructing a better bridge for them.

“Eric Omondi amejitolea akuje kutengeneza hii daraja lakini bahati mbaya ameenda kutengeneza hio ingine. Hata hio ingine ni mzuri kutengeneza lakini huyu mtoto ndio alifanya Eric Omondi akajua hio nilikuwa naomba akimaliza hio, huyu mtoto hata atengenezewe hii daraja,” he said.

He was in the company of his daughter, who was wearing similar clothes and school bag as captured in the video, and other elders.

“Kulingana na ile picha mahali Eric Omondi ameenda, ile mtoto anaitwa Shirleen, si huyo. Huyu mtoto wangu anaitwa Anne Kemunto Ondago na mimi naitwa Thomas Ondago Ogure. Nilikuwa nawahakikishia mzuri ule mtoto ndio huyu na hii daraja wanavuka watoto wengi wakienda shule na kanisa na watu wengi wanavuka wakienda soko lakini sasa Eric amepelekwa mahali ingine ambapo haikukuwa daraja ambayo mtoto alikuwa anapita,” he added.


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