
MCSK boss Ezekiel Mutua and controversial city preacher Victor Kanyari met on Friday, after a series of controversies that have hanged around Kanyari’s digital presence.

In a social media post, Mutua said  that he has began mentoring Kanyari, asking netizens what he should tell him.

“I am here with Pastor Kanyari. We have just started our mentorship class. Mnataka nimwambie nini,” the moral watchdog wrote.

In a separate video, Mutua also prayed  for Kanyari, who was on his knees. After the prayers, Kanyari admitted that he  got tensed when Mutua commented on his controversies.

“Niliskia umeongea nikastuka nikasema nitatoa wapi huyu mtu,” Kanyari said.

Mutua went ahead and explained to Kanyari how the content he put out there can bring damage and what it could do to the church.

“Pastor is not a criminal, I have committed to mentor him,” he added

Earlier, Mutua had vowed to oversee the banning of Kanyari on TikTok and also get him arrested.

Mutua has been leading the charge in promoting morality in Kenyan music and film, outlawing songs and movies that don’t align with Kenyan culture.

“Religious leader cannot be that silly, for lack of a better word. We will ban Kanyari ,and I will demand that he be arrested and jailed ,” he told students of Film Fupi

Read also:“Religious Leaders Can’t Be Silly Like That” Ezekiel Mutua Goes After Kanyari



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