
Azeezah Hashim is a prominent media personality, being both a TV host, a radio host and a social media influencer has recently gave her candid remarks about her desire to get married now.

During an interview, Azeezah, aged 25, expressed her longing for marriage and her preference not to wait until she is older.

“I am 25, ningoje mbaka nifike 30 ndio niolewe?” Azeezah rhetorically questioned, highlighting her wish to marry while still in her mid twenties. She continued with a resolute declaration, “Hapana, nataka kuolewa sahii.”

Azeezah also shared her dreams of starting a family, disclosed her desire to have two children  especially a boy and a girl. Her vision for her future family was expressed with a mix of joy and anticipation.

In a surprising and bold statement, Azeezah revealed her openness to polygamy. When asked if she would consider being a second wife, she confidently replied,

“Yeah, kwani kuna shida gani? Hata watatu wanne naongezeka.” Her acceptance extended to being a third or even fourth wife, reflecting her approach towards traditional marriage arrangements. Where polygamy was normalized.

Furthermore, Azeezah showed her acceptance of potential partners as they are, without demanding change or unrealistic expectations.

“Mimi ukikuja vile uko I accept you as you are. In fact, hata mimi nikiwa mke wa kwanza unataka kuongeza heri uniambie inamaana unaniheshimu rather than nikae na pressure mingi.”

She added mimi natafuta pesa ya kununua gari badala ya kustress na mwanaume,” she said this advocating for honesty and respect in relationships over societal pressures.

Her willingness to embrace traditional practices while advocating for personal happiness and respect marks her as a distinct and influential voice in contemporary media especially with the current society where monogomy is preferred.

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