stoopid boy

Weeks after an online exchange with Dr. Ofweneke over a failed interview, Stoopid Boy is back again, this time targeting Saldido Records Boss Willy Paul.

The fast-rising Arbantone artist has openly admitted his hatred for the Sitolia singer.

In an interview with Mungai Eve, he said that he hates Willy Paul because he is rude.

“Willy Paul Bado yeye Bado ata nikisema ati madem madancer wameparara kama madancer wake ako vile vile ako na kiburi yaani namchukia basi in short yule jamaa simpendi,” Stoopid Boy admitted.

According to him,  Willy Paul denied him a collabo when he approached him and even threatened him with a pistol.

“Ashai ni threaten nikimwomba collabo ,fala alinionyesha yeye hukuwa na pistol nikashindwa huyo ni msanii au nimsaganii,” he went on.

The upcoming artists challenged Willy Paul to vacate to other areas like Westlands and leave the likes of Eastleigh where his rent is Ksh 18,000, adding that he should be having his own house rather than renting.

At the same time, he claimed that Willy Paul is not talented at all.  Mungai Eve however argued that Willy Paul is talented.

“Kwani Willy Paul hukuwa na talent kweli,” Stoopid Boy ridiculed him in response.

He further revealed that Willy Paul was the first artist to listen to his hit song G Baga Jat and went ahead and performed the song at the Nairobi Music Festivals.

His remarks against the seasoned singer have caused mixed reactions with some claiming he is unprofessional and only is only aiming at dragging another artist’s name in the mud for clout.

Others have advised him to focus on his music career instead of engaging in fights with other artists on social media.

Also Read:Stoopid Boy Brags About Making Money After Rejecting Ofweneke’s Interview



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