Edwin Omondi was put into custody at Bondo Police Station for allegedly murdering his girlfriend, Maurine Achieng’ and disposing her body in a gold mining pit.

During the cross-examination ,Omondi confessed to killing Maurine at his home due to suspicions of infidelity. Omondi led the Police to the mine where her girlfriends body was decomposing. The body was exhumed under the watch of county security team and the medical team.

The accused was last seen with the deceased on January 1,2024 during a drinking spree at Ghorofani Bar in Nango trading centre, before they both headed to the suspects house.

Edwin was remanded at the Bondo police Station after he was arrested for allegedly killing his girlfriend.
A report indicate that Achieng went missing on Monday 1 and the matter reported to Kopolo Police station before Omondi’s arrest.

After committing the act he dumped the body at the pit and covered with iron sheets and soil. Police recovered wheelbarrow believed to have been used to ferry the body, also in the house they discovered a blood-soaked T-shirt and white pair of trousers that were collected for forensic analysis.

Maurine’s body was taken to the Bondo Sub County Hospital Mortuary awaiting a post-mortem examination.
The suspect has ben remanded for 14days at Bondo Police Station to give room for completion of investigation and mental assessment.

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