
The family of the late President Daniel Arap Moi has been thrown into mourning following the passing their daughter June Chebet Moi.

June passed away on Thursday morning at the age of 60, but details about the death are yet to be known.

“We are deeply saddened to announce the passing on of our beloved, June Chebet Moi this morning. At this time of grief, we request for your prayers and privacy as we the family come to terms with the tragic loss of our sister. May her soul rest in eternal peace,” the family stated.

Much about June is not known as she lived a very private life. She was however the youngest daughter amongst 8 children of the late  Moi, who was married to the late Lena Moi before their separation in 1974.

June was adopted by the former head of state and there after became one of his favourite children.

She attended Nairobi Primary school before joining Kenya High School and thereafter moving to Canada for her University studies.

June, in 1992 and 1997, was active in her father’s highly contested political campaigns before retreating to her businesses in land, property agency and development where she has been until her death on 11th April 2024.

June’s other siblings are Jennifer Chemutai Kositany the family’s firstborn who was  born in 1953. Like June, she attended Kenya High School. Jennifer was married to late Stephen Kositany, who hailed from a political family, but later died in a road accident in 1994.

Jonathan Toroitich the second born of the family who is said to have been closer to his mother died after a long battle with cancer in April 2019.

John Mark, the third born born in 1958. He  is the least known of Moi’s sons. John  moved to the United States where he lived briefly before coming back to Kenya.

Raymond Moi was born in 1960 and is the third born of the family. He has been in active politics before losing his Rongai parliamentary seat in the last general elections.

It was after Raymond that the former head  of state had twins Philip and Doris born in 1962. Philip is a retired Army major while Doris on the other hand has managed to keep away from the limelight. Doris currently sits on the board of some schools associated with Moi.

And finally former Baringo Senator Gideon Moi who is the last born son to the the former president who become the family spokesperson. Gideon was born 1963 and is the most popular of all Moi family members.



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