Jackie Matubia

Jackie Matubia, a Kenyan actress and content creator, has said that it was time for people to give her her flowers instead of always bashing and trolling her.

She however noted that her aim to work harder is not for the accolades but so that she can continue providing for her children.

“I do not do it for the accolades, I do it because it’s something in me and it’s something that God has planted in me to do, and it’s just kutafutia tu watoto wangu sina hata maneno mingi by the way, sina maneno mingi, yes Mungu akiniambia hii ndio section nakuambia uende nitaenda  na nitatafutie watoto wangu ..it is as simple as that,” she said in an interview.

Jackie went ahead to explain how she deals with mental health issues caused by negatives of social media. She has a pattern of herself that she follows to take care of her mental problems.

“I would never let anything affect my bag,.. am always securing the bag…but Jackie needs to be okay so that she can be able to take care of Jackie the mother, Jackie the sister,Jackie the daughter..,” the actress said.

She also said that her family as well as team  always support her whenever there is need.

“I would say my family… my mum is always freaking out.. but I would say.. I have my team; my management team always holds me down and my friends… they would never let you self-sabotage. A lot of people said in the name of friendship wanakuacha tu uki burn they let you burn na wanaona but by team my family holds me down, holds me down and they will never let me sabotage myself yes,” the mother of two said.

Also Read: “It Was Very Painful” Jackie Matubia Opens Up As Fans Go After Her Baby Daddy


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