miracle baby

Mugithi artist Peter Njuguna, popularly known as Miracle Baby, has declared his intention to become a pastor once he is discharged from the hospital.

The artist, formerly part of renown gengetone crew  Ethic, shared his spiritual revelation in a video recorded from his hospital bed, alongside his mother. In the video, he expressed gratitude to the Almighty and conveyed his determination to preach the word of God.

“Bwana asifiwe. I’m going to preach. Once I leave here, I’ll become a pastor I’ll preach. Wenye hawajaweza najua mko nijani Mungu anasema hapa ninatoka, ninaeza Toka kesho ama kesho kutwa” Miracle Baby confidently stated.

This decision places Miracle Baby among the growing number of secular artists transitioning to gospel music after a profound spiritual awakening. Notable examples include Size 8, who made the shift in 2013 and is now a reverend, and former Chat Spot host Kush Tracey.

Miracle Baby was hospitalized mid-last month and has involved multiple surgeries, the most recent being his third.

Miracle baby in hospital


His girlfriend, Carol Katrue, provided an update in a video, explaining that Miracle Baby has been battling a gastrointestinal condition since 2018, and a recurrence of the problem led to a ruptured intestine hence seeing him confined in a hospital bed.

“The surgery was successful, but the intestines had burst. They have managed to clean it, and he will be using a pipe for the bathroom. Some intestines are left outside for six weeks, and once he recovers, he will return to the theatre for them to be placed back inside,” Katrue detailed a while back.

Amid the health challenges, Katrue made an appeal for financial assistance to cover the accumulating hospital bill, which currently stands at Ksh 1.6 million. She also pointed out the absence of support from Miracle Baby’s baby mamas, expressing disappointment that those who had previously  been fighting over him are nowhere to be seen in his time of need.

“Hawako mi sijaona hata mmoja. Ata ile kupiga simu kuuliza ako aje hakuna hata mmoja. Hao wanatokeanga, walikua wanafanya hivyo wapate jina, ata wengine walikuwa wa kujiwekelea si wa ukweli,” Katrue said.

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