Kiwanja Police Station in Kahawa West Nairobi County, has suffered a  major loss as 30 year old female officer attached to the station was hacked to death by her husband following an altercation on Friday in Bungoma County.

The deceased police constable Tiffany Wanyonyi and her 40 year old husband, Jackson Oloitele had travelled upcountry to attend her grandmother’s funeral at Misemwa Village on Thursday.

Events leading to the heinous act remain unclear but according to police reports, an argument ensued between the pair escalating it into the fatal attack

“The deceased’s body was found lying dead on the bed with several deep cuts on the neck and multiple injuries on the head, suspected to have been inflicted by a sharp object. A panga suspected to be the murder weapon was recovered from the scene,” a police report documenting the incident reads in part.

Wanyonyi’s body was moved to Lugulu Mission Hospital mortuary awaiting posterm.

Oloitele surrendered himself to the police following the incident.

Elsewhere, a police officer shot and killed his colleague on Saturday, March 30 in Mbooni Makueni County at 6 am in the morning.

Police officers manning Mbooni police station said they heard a loud bang from the local deputy county commissioner’s office about 40 meters away and rushed to establish the source of the noise.

It was at this location that they found a police officer in uniform and a G3 rifle beside him while squatting, they tried talking to him and it was at this point they realized that he was already dead.

The deceased constable Hassan Ahmed, according to the officers who found him, had been shot at cross range and was bleeding on the left side of the ribs.

After a short while, another police officer attached to the local Critical Infrastructure Police Unit (CIPU) Mbooni West who was on night guard duty at the DCC’s office surrendered himself at Mbooni police station claiming to be the one who had shot the deceased constable  Ahmed using the G3 rifle issued to him.

The motive of the tragic 6 am  incident is yet to be established.

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