In response to allegations of denying entry protestors who sought refuge at the Churcht during Thursday’s demonstrations, Holy Family Basilica in Nairobi has released a statement defending its actions.

They acknowledged the remarks made about them in the media and expressed empathy for people impacted by the circumstances, according to their statement.

” We acknowledge the statements that have been made on social media and deeply empathize with those affected by the situation,” the statement read

They continued by declaring that the church will continue to be a public building and a holy sanctuary for all followers of God.

” We wish to affirm that the Holy Family Minor Basilica will always endeavor to be a sanctuary for all people of God, remaining to be open to the public,” the statement continued

They also expressed sorrow for the miscommunication regarding the contentious Finance Bill 2024, but they will keep their role as a house of worship intact.

” We regret any misunderstanding following the current concerns about Finance Bill 2024 and will continue to strive to be a sanctuary of worship,” they wrote

They added that since the church is in charge of everyone’s safety, the staff worked hard to ensure the safety of the students attending the school on the grounds.

” The compound hosts a school and our personnel consistently maintain the safety of young children,”

In closing, they expressed their gratitude to the public for their understanding and their sympathy with those working to secure a brighter future for all Kenyans.

” We appreciate your understanding and stand in solidarity with all who work towards a better future for all Kenyans,” the statement concluded.

On Thursday, Holy Family Basilica responded quickly to barricade protestors who attempted to enter the church to escape the police.

” Yesterday during the peaceful protests, police hurt so many people and journalists. Some protestors and passersby in town who were not part of it tried to run to the church but unfortunately, Fr Ndichu ordered the gates to be closed and his reasoning was that there is a school in the Basilica and this could interfere with other meetings therin,” said Cyprian Nyamwamu.

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