
Roots Party leader Prof. George Wajackoya couldn’t hide his disappointments after being locked out of Gen. Francis Ogolla’s burial site.

Speaking outside the gate of Ogolla’s rural home, the opposition leader noted that he is the third powerful man in the country and he should have been allowed to witness the burial.

“Nimekuja matanga, matanga inaendelea kule ndani ingawa tumeingia hapa tumechelewa laikini wote ambao walialikwa ndio wameingia lakini ni sawa,” he said.

The agitated politician added that, ” Bibi ya Ruto ameingia, mtoto wa Ruto can go in na Wajackoya ni the third most powerful man in the country  hii ni upuzi. How can Ruto’s daughter be allowed to go in na Wajackoya nakatazwa nasukumwa nje. That’s bullshit.”

He however walked away declining to take more questions from the interviewer.

Ogolla was buried at his home in Mur village, Alego Usonga on Sunday April 21, 2024, within 72 hours after his death just as he had wished. The late general  also buried without a coffin.

Only a few people were allowed to the burial site  including; close family members,  top military officials and the executive led by president William Ruto and DP Rigathi Gachagua.

During his funeral service that was held at the Senator Obama K’Ogello primary school, Ogolla’s son blasted bloggers in the manner which they broke news of his father’s death

“When my mother called me ad told me dad has gone down in a helicopter crash there a very useless bloggers…you are so quick to post pictures. People are so insensitive, so you broke the news. Have you received an EGH for breaking the news?” he said.

“Let us be sensitive, bloggers and the media. I would mention them by name but that is unacceptable.”

The late general perished on April 18 along with 9 of his juniors in Elgeyo Marakwet.


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