
The murder case of businesswoman Monica Kimani has finally come to an end after the sentencing of the convict Jowie Irungu.

Irungu was found guilty of the crime on February 9, 2024 after evidence provided before Lady Justice Grace Nzioka tied him to the gruesome murder, that occurred in September 2018.

On Wednesday March 13, 2024, Justice Nzioka sentenced Jowie to death, meaning that he will spend his entire life behind bars.

After the much awaited ruling, Irungu’s mother is however convinced that he is not responsible for Monica’s death.

Speaking outside the Milimani Law Courts, she said that she believes her son would get a second just in life just like the Biblical Joseph.

“I believe my son is innocent, hajafanya kosa lolote, hajaua. Kuna kitu ninaamini, kuna God of a second chance na atamtoa na ndio unaona niko na nguvu kwasababu Mungu mwenye ninaamini ndiye atamtoa. It is like Joseph alidhulumwa na mungu baadaye alimtoa na hata naamini sasaatamtoa wakati wa mungu ukifika,” she said.

Irungu’s lawyer also said that they would appeal the court ruling.

“At the court of appeal we will be vindicated. The notice of Appeal is ready we are just waiting for the time  maybe further discuss before we proceed. One thing is clear., the Hon. Justice build a mountain out of the clothes that Jowie wore especially those brown  Khaki shorts because those are the only things she had to link Jowie to the death of Monica Kimani,” he said.

“Those shorts presented in court were not the same that Jowie wore,” he added, basing his arguments on how witnesses described the shorts that Jowie wore.


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