helicopter crash

Embakasi East MP Babu Owino has raised 11 questions regarding the helicopter crash that killed the Chief of Defence Forces Gen Francis Ogolla together with other 9 military officers.

The deadly crash occurred on Thursday April 11 in Elgeyo Marakwet shortly after the aircraft had taken off.

In a Facebook post, the lawmaker however said that  Kenyans will find closure in the matter once the concerns he raised are addressed

“If all these Questions can be answered then our Hearts may stop Bleeding.Otherwise Mambo ni Tatu,” he said.

The questions he raised are;
1)Where was the west com commander?

2)Where was the Defence forces Sgt major?

3) Where was the Army commander?

4) Why was a whole CDF using one Helicopter with no 50ACB Helicopter Escort in an operation area?

5) Why was he in the company of junior officers only?

6) Which rank should fly a Helicopter used by the CDF?

7) Who gives parade to CDF in an operation when he is about to inspect his troops?

8)How many Helicopters should a CDF use while visiting an operation area?

9)Why was he the only one to inspect a school and not his juniors?

10)Who should be the next CDF going by the Tonje Rules and who is to Deputize him,Will that Deputy be the CDF by 2027?

11)Why is Gen.Ogolla dead just after the recent changes in KDF?

helicopter crash
screenshot of Babu Owino’s Facebook post


President William Ruto however announced that the Airforce has dispatched a team that will investigate the helicopter crash.

“The Kenya Air Force has constituted and dispatched an air investigations team, to establish the cause of the air crash. In honour of the life and the distinguished military career of the fallen general, who lost his life not just while in office, but in active military duty, the nation will observe a period of 3 days of mourning commencing tomorrow 19th April 2024,” he said.

Former CS Eugene Wamalwa also urged Kenyans to stop speculations into the matter.

“The CDF is the most protected person after the Commander-in-Chief and therefore it is important thorough investigations are carried out and we know what happened. In the meantime, we want to ask Kenyans to be patient and we pray for the family and the larger KDF family for this terrible loss,” he said in an interview with a local media.

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