Nyanza Young Professionals falling in the Gen Z age bracket have suspended all demonstrations as they  welcome President Ruto’s invitation for dialogue.

In a statement Nyanza Young ‘commend His Excellency William Ruto for listening to the voices of the young people of Kenya’.

“We further accept his invitation dialogue on pressing national issues close to the hearts of the Kenyan youths. Including but not limited to unemployment, high cost of living, and accountability.”

Conversely, they denoted violence associated with protests does not bring any gain but only ruins the country.

Moreover, they condemned those who took advantage of nationwide protests to engage in criminal activities.

“We thus condemn the criminal elements who have overtaken our countrywide peaceful protests in the strongest terms possible.”

Adding that they are aware of the criminal activities that happened during the demonstrations, they jointly suspended any further protests.

“Aware of such criminal schemes, we, the young professionals from the Lake Region, hereby suspend any further demonstrations and commit to joining the national dialogue on the issues we have raised.”

However, they asked the for youthful involvements in the engagement with the government. The agenda of the meeting delving into the key issues agitated for during the protests.

The main issues highlighted by the Gen Zs in the statement include the following:

That more money be allocated to the 5 pillars of development plan and that the biggest share of the national budget should reflect that.

That the government should, moving forward, enhance public input in the legislative process and other government agendas.

That all Kenyans should have quality and accessible education that is free from basic education to university. Bureaucratic funds to be channeled to a national free education kitty to ensure education is free to all.

That the discussions be revolving around the creation of job opportunities, supporting SMEs, and stimulating economic growth.

Above all, they urged all other Gen Zs in the country to maintain unity and stop violent protests and actively engage in the dialogue process.

Also Read: President William Ruto Applauds Gen Zs For Their Advocacy Efforts

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