
Radio Citizen Presenter Willy M Tuva has explained the circumstance under which Danny Dee, an uprising artist, lost about Kshs500,000 while seeking a collaboration with Darassa, a well known-known Tanzania.

Danny Dee, in a recent interview revealed that Tuva linked him for a collabo with Darassa about two years ago. According to him, Tuva and Darassa demanded him to pay $4000, which he complied because of the passion he had with music.

After paying a  deposit of $2000, Darasa send him the song so that he could put his voice and within a week, he had concluded, submitting the project back to the Tanzanian singer.

The Tanzanian singer however failed to play his part, asking Danny Dee to pay him the full amount they agreed. Due to challenges, he send Darassa the money through Tuva but he is unsure if it ever reached as he still failed to comply with their agreed terms.

“I talked to Darassa and the way he was talking, it was like he didn’t receive all his money. That was where the problem began,” Danny Dee said, adding that would argue over the phone.

Danny Dee


He decided not to pursue the collabo as Tuva also stopped picking his calls.

Responding to the allegations, Tuva maintains that he has never conned any artist or demanded them for money to assist them.

“One thing I can tell, the internet has come with good and bad. There are those using the internet well, there are others who use it to spoil the name of others. I am ‘Mzazi’, ever since I started supporting artists, I have never conned anyone so as to give anyone support. It has never happened and it will never happen,” the radio presenter said in an interview with Trudy Kitui.

He also said that Darassa declined to participate in the project because of Danny Dee’s substandard work.

“I send Darassa the money and he recorded the song and send it to me and he also send it to the artist but msanii alivyoimba, aliimba chini ya kiwango. Ndio Darassa alilipwa pesa lakini si kile kiwango alichokuwa anaitisha. Msanii aliporecord aliimba chini ya kiwango ambacho Darassa angeweza kuweka sauti yake. What he did, he told the artist to prepare himself and seek him once again when he is ready,” he said.


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