
Uhuru Kenyatta’s firstborn son Jomo Kenyatta on Wednesday dropped a case he had filed against the government.

Jomo sued the state after people believed to be police officers raided his Karen residence and demanded him to surrender his fire arms and licence on July 21.

According to his father Uhuru, people who raided the home had vehicles with Sudanese number plates.

“I got a report from my son that he came and the watchman said they were people claiming to be DCI officers in a vehicle with Sudanese registration who claimed they want to speak and see him.

“I told him from my knowledge when the police want to do something, they don’t come with foreign number plates, they have a warrant, they state their case and show the warrant of what they want to do,” Uhuru told the press then.

Following the incident, Jomo moved to court and accused the government of witch hunt by attempting to seize the weapons that he legally acquired.

On Wednesday, he however withdrew the case after coming to a consensus with the state. The state committed to not interfere with his gun licence

Jomo and the government also came into an agreement that the Firearms Licensing Board will not revoke his licence and will follow the procedure on the Firearms act in dealing with his case.

“By consent, this matter is hereby marked as settled,” High court judge Jairus Ngaah ruled

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