
Eric Omondi, the president of comedy in Africa,  is currently in Tanzania where he attended the launch of one of socialite Gigy Money’s reality show that will feature her  and her family .

While on an interview with Clouds  FM Tanzania, Omondi shed light on his Sisi kwa Sisi Initiative, a platform that he has been to help struggling Kenyans.

“It is me giving back to the society coz the society has supported me for 16 yrs, I am no longer doing comedy,” he said  and further pointed out that showbiz should take a rest in Kenya because the nation is going through a lot, including floods that have wrecked havoc in the recent days.

“When Eric is quiet, the industry is quiet so I would like to urge the comedy industry in Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania I would like to organize a three -day conference kama rais, “Omondi added.

“I’m the president, am calling for an urgent meeting of all comedians in East Africa wajee tuongee tuelewane ,tusaidiane ,tuinuane, lakini rais atawapatia mwelekeo.”

He announced that he has banned comedy in Kenya until further notice.

“Ila kwa sasa Kenya sitaki comedy, kwa Kenya saa hizi nimeban comedy kama raisi wa comedy,” Omondi said.

According to him,  there is nothing to laugh about in Kenya due to the high cost of living in the country and the current floods claiming lives of innocent Kenyans.

“Kila mahali hatutaki comedy Kenya maanake there nothing to laugh about .Hatutaki kucheka ,hatutaki kuchekeshwa tuna huzuni,tuna msiba, maisha yetu magumu,mafuriko ndiyo hayo ,unga stima ndiyo hiyo ,mafuta ,karo,kodi ndio hiyo we don’t have anything to smile about,” he explained, adding that the government has  forgotten it’s people in these difficult times.

“We are mourning about our lives ,how sad it is  to be a Kenyan today the government has forgotten it’s poeple and the people are on their own, wakenya wajisaidie ,wana jiinua bila serikali ,sasa hatutaki comedy Kenya.

Also Read:“Tunataka Ng’ombe Zetu 500” Eric Omondi Demands Diamond For Making Tanasha A Mum



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