Robert Nagila

Robert Nagila has been on the limelight in the past few days after it emerged that that he is the partner of the late NTV journalist Rita Tinina.

Nagila further caught the public’s eye  after his heartfelt tribute to his partner and mother of his daughter, during her requiem mass that was held at the Holy Family Basilica on Tues

He has emerged as the most searched person on google since his hearty eulogy message  his partner. Who then is Robert Nagila?

Robert Nagila is a Kenyan journalist who worked for China Global Television Network (CGTN) having graduated from the London school of Journalism where he studied Journalism.

He started his career at NTV in 2012 then transitioned to CGTN an international English- language news channel owned by China Central Central Television (CCTV), a state controlled broadcaster in China.

Nagila is known for his in-depth news reports, confidence on camera and impeccable expertise in African Affairs.

Nagila was among the foreign reporters for CGTN tv who covered international stories and local ones to provide china’s  perspective on global affairs.

He worked on stories like the 2007 post election violence and did investigative reporting where he exposed corruption in the Kenyan government including drug trade in Nairobi.

Even though the relationship between the two journalists wasn’t public the two had a eight year old daughter Mia Malaikah and were seemingly planning to get married.

Retired politician Fred Gumo recently revealed that he had asked Rita when she would get married to her long term partner Robert Nagila citing that they couldn’t just remain friends forever.

“Each time i met her, i asked when is this joyful day coming? you cannot be friends forever. she kept on telling me, Mheshimiwa, dont worry the day will come,” Gumo said.

Robert Nagila shared his heartfelt tribute on how she has left a legacy. He also narrated how they met.

“When our paths first crossed your beauty, laughter and warm heart touched me. But you are also the most stubborn person i ever met. principled in your beliefs. I shall miss you dearly mama Mia” Nagila said.

Nagila seems to have maintained a low profile and not known to many with only so little made public. He however also reiterated during the requiem mass of Rita that his partner was very supportive especially during the death of his father where Rita was with him all through.

Rita Tinina passed on on March 17th  due to Pneumonia in her house where she was found unresponsive in her bed. She willl be laid to rest in Narok tomorrow 24th march 2024.





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