
The death toll in the tragic gas explosion at Mradi village in Embakasi has risen to three.

According to the deputy Inspector general of police, a search for more people who might have been affected is still going on.

“We have three fatalities so far and our teams are still checking here,” he said.

More than 222 people are admitted with serious injuries in various hospitals around Nairobi. The explosion that ignited a huge fire was said to have originated from a gas filling station in the area.

The government spokesperson Isaac Mwaura said the explosion occurred at a gas filling company near Kabansora in Embakasi where a lorry carrying gas cylinders exploded.

“The company was refilling gas cylinders when the fire broke out and several people were injured and rushed to hospital,” Mwaura said.

He further revealed that a flying gas cylinder hit the Oriental Godown nearby, burning it down.

As a result, the fire further destroyed several vehicles and commercial properties including many small and medium sized businesses.

Those injured in the fire were rushed to Kenyatta National Hospital, Mama Lucy Hospital, Komarock Medical Centre and Nairobi West Hospital 8.

Nairobi County Government has come to the rescue of the victims by waiving all the medical fees.

“The county government has also waived all medical fees at the county facilities attending to the injured and bereaved,” Governor Sakaja said.

He also highlighted that the county’s response team is on high alert on the scene to offer emergency necessary support to the victims. All county Health and Medical teams are said to be managing the situation at Embakasi and working together with the Red Cross Team to provide the required support to the fire victims.

The Governor went on to wish quick recovery to the affected families and the injured.

Meanwhile, the police are holding a watchman who was guarding the premises where the explosion occurred. Details about his identity or charges that he will be facing are yet to be made public.

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