Union of European Football Associations(UEFA) is investigating after lewd sex noises were transmitted during the Euro 2024 draw.

The noises were first heard when Switzerland were drawn in Group A with Scotland, Hungary and hosts Germany which was being presented by the deputy general secretary of European football’s governing body. Giorgio Marchetti.

He attempted to take control of the situation by acknowledging the voices and assuring the audience that the lewd noises had ceased.

“There is some noise here that… has now stopped. No noise anymore.” he stated.

Some lucky members of the audience were spared from the noises especially those who had occupied the back seats.

When asked about the incident, England manager Gareth Southgate said that he could not make out what the noises  really were before dismissing it as a prank.

“I’m assuming it was some sort of a prank, but it was hard to really make out what it was,” he said.

Turned out he was right, as minutes later YouTube prankster Daniel Jarvis claimed responsibility for the prank.

Through a live broadcast on X, formerly Twitter, Jarvis showcased himself  ringing a mobile phone at intervals to trigger the noises heard during the Euros draw, which was being live streamed by BBC on Saturday.

He proudly told his audience that ”they” had gotten the phone there then set the lewd noises as the ringtone before declaring that sex noises had made their way to the significant event.

 “Listen that was us, that was us. We got it in there, we put the phone in there, we rung it, sex noise at the Euro 2024 draw.” he excitedly told his audience.

This is not the first time the prankster is pulling such stunts in major events.

In January, a similar incident occurred in the build up to January’s FA cup tie between Liverpool and Wolves which was also being streamed live on BBC





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